Alligator turtle
Giant snapping turtle (definite introduction)

The crocodile turtle is what we often see. Speaking of snapping turtles, snapping turtles have a strange shape, and the appearance of different snapping turtles is not very large, so everyone will be very curious: How many types of snapping turtles are there? It turns out that snapping turtles are divided into large crocodiles and small crocodiles, of which small crocodiles are divided into four subspecies.

1. The giant snapping turtle

The giant snapping turtle is also known as the true snapping turtle Snapping turtles, which look like crocodiles, are found in the Mississippi River Basin of North America. The giant snapping turtles are huge in size and are a purely carnivorous turtle. Adult turtles can weigh up to 60 kilograms and the maximum can reach 200 kilograms.

2. Little snapping turtle

The little snapping turtle is us Commonly referred to as snapping turtles, there are four subspecies of small snapping turtles, sorted by price:

1. North American snapping turtle: these are the four subspecies of small snapping turtles The rarest of the subspecies, it is mainly found in southern and eastern Canada and spreads to the eastern United States from the Florida Peninsula to Texas.

2. Buddha's snapping turtle: Buddha's snapping turtle is also called alligator turtle. It is originated from South America and is mostly scattered in the Florida Peninsula and southern Georgia in the United States. It is named according to the place name. So call Buddha Snapping Turtle.

3. South American snapping turtles: mainly scattered in northern Honduras, eastern Nicaragua, to Costa Rica in Panama, and across the Pacific to Colombia and Ezra. Guado, south to the Gulf of Eyakil.

4. Central and American snapping turtles: mainly scattered in southern Mexico, from Veracruz in the center to Guatemala in the south to the Caribbean and Honduras. It is also divided into two populations: Honduras and Mexico. Their appearance is very similar to the Florida subspecies, especially the population originating in Honduras.


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