Dogs have What are the common parts of dogs that are easily misidentified?
Suspended toes can be surgically removed

Although many owners play with their dogs every day, they may rarely observe them seriously. Because some parts of the dog are hidden under the cover of the coat, they are not easy to be discovered. If these parts are discovered accidentally, they may mistakenly think that it is abnormal.

1. Suspended toe

This should be considered by many owners All understood. However, some first-time dog owners occasionally have questions. Suspended toe is a common structure. Suspended toes are the degenerated toes of some animals, such as many mammals, birds, creepers, etc. For toed animals such as dogs and cats, the dangling toes often grow on the legs. When standing, the dangling toes do not touch the ground. The dangling toe is on the inside of the leg, similar to the position of the human thumb.

Dogs' dangling toes generally appear on the front limbs, and occasionally on the hind limbs. In other words, most dogs have 5 toes on each front limb and 4 toes on each hind limb. However, it may also appear that the hind limbs have 5 or even 6 toes.

Because the hanging toes cannot touch the ground, they cannot be polished through normal exercise. In order to prevent the dangling toes from growing too long and barely digging into the flesh, it is necessary to develop a good habit of trimming them frequently. Keep the dangling toe at a safe length that will not injure the animal itself.

Second, external ear flap

Some owners When you look at your dog’s ears, you will see something like a wrinkle. This flap-like structure is called a skin margin bag. It has a cute nickname, Dry Henry’s Pocket. This special structure can change the transmission of sound. On the track, cats and dogs are good at detecting high-frequency sounds.

What are the common parts of dogs that are easily misidentified
Pay attention Examine dogs

3. Nicotine membrane

Occasionally, After the cat or dog falls asleep, parents will see a white or pink-white "film" on the inner corner of the eye. Don't worry, this is also a normal structure. This membranous structure is called the dry nictitating membrane, which protects and cleans the surface of the eye. Because its pattern is very similar to the eyelid, it is also called the "third eyelid". If the nictitating membrane is red, congested, swollen, or stretched, or the exposed area is too large, or even epiphora occurs, it may be related to some eye diseases, and you should contact your doctor immediately.

4. Belly button

Some parents will find the current treasure There is a small scar-like thing in the center of the second-to-last pair of nipples. Don’t worry, this is not a skin disease, but the dog’s belly button. Cats and dogs are similar to us humans and are also mammals. When the baby dog ​​is in the belly of the dog mother, it obtains nutrients and removes treasures through the umbilical cord. After giving birth, the dog's mother will bite off the umbilical cord, and the umbilical cord will fall off in a few days, resulting in a negligible scar. Compared with the human belly button, it is flatter and will be quickly protected by the outside and will not be easily seen.

5. Black mucosa in the mouth and freckles on the nose, etc.

There will be accumulation of melanin on the oral mucosa of cats and dogs, so some parts will be pink and some parts will be black. These are normal. And most cats will have such black parts.

These skin changes are the result of a decrease in melanocytes, are often benign, and have no effect on health. There are generally the following criteria to judge whether these black spots are normal:

It should be flat and not obvious. Usually it is not very big, 1-10mm is relatively normal. If not, you have to wonder whether there is a disease.

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