Except for snacks What are the ways to praise food?
The same way of praising food should not be used too often

Food praise It is the simplest and most direct praise method among dog training methods, but not all dogs have a soft spot for food. Therefore, not all methods are suitable for all dogs, and food praise cannot be used excessively. On the one hand, it is to prevent dogs from developing dependence on this, and on the other hand, it is to prevent dogs from becoming closed. Interest in food has diminished. So we must adopt more praise methods.

1. Playing with dogs

Lots of time closed For dogs, the companionship of the owner is more important than any praise. Playing with the dog can be a powerful tool to build a relationship, and can also be used as a powerful reward. Tug-of-war and retrieval are probably the most obvious play rewards. Of course, we can also use other play methods to make the dog's mood happy, but they must also be controlled to a better extent.

2. Let the dog do what it likes

You can accompany your dog to do some things it likes, such as walking or running around. Low-frequency behaviors (things the animal is less likely to do, such as waiting calmly at the door) can be reinforced by high-frequency behaviors (things the animal is more likely to do, such as an excited race around the yard). For example, in order to strengthen your dog's sitting down, you tell him to sit down and then let him do something he likes very much (run with his dog friends, or let him lean against you on the sofa). This kind of praise is easy to integrate into the focus of your daily life, and is more effective for dogs who need help developing their autonomy.

What are the ways to praise other than snacks
Suitable changes in praise handlingThe method is of great use in training dogs

3. Words of encouragement and praise

Praising a dog may seem to us to be an inaccurate way of praising a dog, but dogs can experience the emotions of the tone. Praise is a very effective reward method for some dogs, but even if you don't like this kind of dog, if you often combine praise with other great things, they will become eager to find ways to earn praise. For example, if you use a clicker to teach a dog to lie down and hand it a toy, we can praise it with words such as "good boy" or "good dog" when giving the toy. Soon the dog will learn to combine praise with Create a connection between compliments.

4. Touch the parts of your dog that like to be touched

Patting is a very good way to praise dogs, but it must be done correctly. Before you use pats or massages to praise, consider two things: what kind of petting method your dog likes, and when he likes to be petted. For example, your dog may like someone to scratch its chest, but if it is patted on the head, it will flash; when it rests next to you, a slow and continuous stroking method may make it feel good and have a praise effect. However, if it is waiting to run around and play, this method may make it feel anxious.

So the way to praise is not just food praise. We can use different ways to praise according to different situations. In this way, the dog will not lose interest in simple praise methods, which will greatly reduce the training effect. Food praise is simple and effective, but it is not a good thing to use it too often. Even though some praise is unrealistic praise method, it is also quite effective for dogs.

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