Indian Ridgeback Key points of breeding of turtles
Indian leatherback turtles

Indian leatherback turtles have different opinions on food selection In particular, it can be adapted to meat food, vegetarian food and some turtle food, so there is no need to worry about raising it. However, this is a turtle that is very sensitive to temperature. If the ambient temperature is not suitable, it will also cause it to refuse to eat.

Indian leatherback turtles are omnivorous animals, mainly eating water hyacinths and other aquatic plants and crabs and other animals. They will also eat carrion. The Indian sawback turtle is a cold-blooded animal, so it responds quickly to changes in ambient temperature. Its food intake, exercise, etc. are all affected by the ambient temperature. Because the heat produced by the Indian sawback turtle's metabolism is limited, they lack a control system to maintain the heat generated in the body. In order to overcome this shortcoming, the Indian sawback turtle relies on finding cool or hot places to control the daily fluctuations in body temperature. The mental and emotional health of Indian sawback turtles can only be maintained when the temperature of the artificial environment in which the turtles are raised is consistent with that of natural resting areas.

Generally, the suitable temperature for hot turtles is 27~38℃, and for warm turtles is 20~35℃. The lethal temperature of some Indian sawback turtles falls within the upper temperature limit of 5°C. It is generally customary to set the turtle's feeding and movement status as normal when the temperature is 25°C. The temperature around 30℃ is the best temperature for turtles to eat, exercise and grow. Therefore, in the harsh areas of the Yangtze River in China, April to October every year is the feeding and movement period of turtles; November to March of the next year is the hibernation period of turtles.



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