Common knowledge about raising yellow monitor lizards
Yellow monitor lizard (definite introduction)

The yellow monitor lizard is a typical carnivore. However, in most cases they only eat living animals such as frogs, toads, turtles, mammals, birds, etc. Occasionally they will also eat lizard eggs, frog eggs, bird eggs and a series of invertebrates, especially It's beetles and earthworms.
Yellow monitor lizards often mate from June to July every year, and the female lizard will lay about 16 eggs from August to October. However, there is no evidence that they will lay eggs in termite nests. The eggs of yellow monitor lizards may be laid in holes in higher areas to prevent them from being sunk by floods. Newborn yellow monitor lizard babies emerge in March in India. It is reported that there are equal numbers of male and female monitor lizards, but the males are more active than females during the mating season.



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