What kind of dogs don
Chinese Crested Dog (definite introduction)

People often ask, What kind of dogs don’t shed? But the answers they got are probably the same: as long as they are furry animals, they will shed hair to some extent, but some dogs shed more hair, and some dogs shed less hair. However, although dog hair loss is a common phenomenon, owners can still use some methods to minimize the situation of dog hair flying around the home.

1. Comb frequently

We all know that combing can reduce the hair loss of dogs, because the owner can The hair that falls off the dog's body is completely removed, thereby avoiding the embarrassing situation of the dog's hair falling wherever it goes.

2. Regular bathing

Regular bathing can not only help the dog to clean his body, but also give the dog a healthy coat. The hair is stronger and hair loss is less serious. However, it should be noted that when bathing dogs, you must choose the right shower gel. The shower gel that suits them is good for keeping their hair healthy, while the shower gel that is not suitable for them may cause the dog to shed more hair. Serious.

3. Keep dogs healthy

In fact, when dogs suffer from certain diseases or lack certain nutrients, they also Symptoms of excessive hair loss will occur, so owners need to raise dogs in a scientific way. Once the dog shows any abnormality, the owner should immediately find out the cause and deal with it appropriately at the first time.

4. Chinese Hairless Dogs

Chinese Crested Dogs are also called Chinese Hairless Dogs, but they are not completely hairless. There are two types of Chinese crested dogs: hairless type and long-haired type. The hairless type only has hair on the head, feet and tail, while the long-haired type has hair all over the body. In addition to Chinese crested dogs, there are also other hairless dog breeds in the world, such as Mexican hairless dogs.

What kind of dogs don

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