West Highland White Terrier breed introduction
West Highland White Terrier (confirmed introduction)

The West Highland White Terrier (certain introduction) originated in the 19th century and is a pure white terrier from the western highlands of Scotland. A bit like a fox in appearance, with a longer nose. It is said that all Scottish Terriers are inherited from a common ancestor and then dispersed throughout the UK. The West Highlands were originally used for hunting otters, foxes and rats.

In the 19th century, in the Dumbarton County territory of the famous breeder, the Duke of Argyle, Colonel Malcolm conducted breeding work in the village of Port Rock for more than 60 years, working with white-haired dogs. Variety matching has fixed the appearance we know today. So the West Highland Terrier has been called Dry Portalok Terrier.

The West Highland White Terrier is loyal, cheerful and accustomed to apartment living. It is a pleasant companion for every member of the family and is an excellent companion dog.

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