Familiar with how the raw materials of fake dog food are adulterated
Samoyed (confirmed introduction)

Why are there so many illegal traders currently manufacturing and selling fake food, and how is pet food faked? Among all the fake food, it is easier to fake the original information. Expert Wang Tianfei also mentioned in the book "How Good Dog Food is Made" that fake dog food is the easiest to adulterate. Most of them are protein raw materials and animal fat raw materials, while raw materials with low price and high content are less likely to be adulterated.

1. Adulteration of protein raw materials

In protein raw materials, the adulteration situation of fish meal and meat meal is relatively serious. This is because Both fishmeal and meatmeal have been affected by the international market, and the world is currently facing a shortage of resources and an increase in demand. Under such circumstances, unscrupulous traders will only care about short-term profits and ignore the interests and purchasing habits of dog food manufacturing companies, and adulterate fish meal or meat meal, which are highly utilized in dog food capital.

2. Adulteration in higher-priced products

In some dog food products, there is another kind of adulteration in high-priced products. Some low-priced pet edible materials are mixed into this guess, and the fake ones are fake to achieve higher economic status. There are also some unscrupulous businesses that even mix in some substances that are not edible for pets, which will cause your pet to have uncomfortable symptoms after eating these pet foods. Some symptoms will not appear immediately, and may also cause chronic symptoms. Disease manifests itself.

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