The Papillon does not have the same body language meaning
Papillon dog (certain introduction)

Dogs also have their own methods of spreading information and communicating. In addition to shouts and expressions, pet dogs' body language is also a way for them to express their mood and spread information. The Papillon is one of the most popular pet dogs at present. Now, for the Papillon, some of the meanings of its body language are revealed.

When the little butterfly dog ​​raises the back end of its body and lowers the front end, its tail will hesitate hard and its eyes are shining. It is saying to you: "Come and play." Let's do it!" If you have a serious expression, it will express it in a very friendly way in order to attract your attention and adjust your mood, so please feel free to accept its invitation.

The butterfly dog’s belly is turned to the sky and its paws are raised into the air. It is showing humility and obedience. If a Papillon dog belly bulges in front of your eyes, it means that it is courting you and is friendly to you. When it's belly is like other dogs, it means that it is coordinating and does not want to get into a fight. It is thinking about saying to its opponent, "I'm convinced."

When the Papillon keeps licking its nose with its tongue, it means that it seems a little uneasy. At this time, it may be deducing a new situation, or hesitating about whether it should approach a certain guest, or it may be concentrating its energy on trying to understand a new password.

Papillon dogs also have the habit of climbing. There are two different reasons for natural climbing. First, it shows that the butterfly dog ​​wants to defeat its opponents and occupy the leadership position. Second, when the Papillon Dog is in estrus, the Papillon Dog's climbing at this time indicates that it has the need for mating.

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