Dog nose What are the causes of fever?
Bernese Mountain Dog (definite introduction)

Often the noses of healthy dogs are moist and slightly moist. Cool, so when you find that your dog’s nose becomes dry or relatively hot, it may mean that their physical condition is not particularly good, or they may be sick. Therefore, we need to understand the reasons for a dog’s nose to have a fever, and use this to judge whether the dog’s body is healthy.

When the dog is sleeping, just waking up, or quiet, its nose may be dry and a little hot. However, this is a normal situation, and after the dog’s normal exercise, it will The nose will gradually become cool and moist. In addition, for example, in winter, if the air conditioner and heating are turned on, the ambient temperature is relatively warm but the air is relatively dry, the dog's nose may also become hot and dry at this time, but this is also a symptom of normal environmental effects. , this situation can also be alleviated by replenishing the dog with water in real time.

However, the dog’s nose is after all the most sensitive part of the dog. It is still impossible to find dryness or fever. It is important to carefully observe the pet dog and see what is going on. At some special times, a dog's nose will become dry and have a fever, but this situation is temporary. If it is found that the dog's nose has been dry and feverish for a long time, and there are other symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, vomiting and diarrhea, etc., then it should be sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

Therefore, sometimes a dog's nose becomes dirty or has a fever, which may be caused by environmental factors. However, if other symptoms appear along with it, we must try our best to take them for examination and treatment to avoid delaying the condition.

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