Guppies are gentle in nature, come in many varieties, and have beautiful faces. It has high ornamental value and is one of the indispensable species in the aquarium. What types of guppies are there? Guppy speciesIntroduction.

Guppy Species
Guppy Species

Mosaic Guppy Mainly include red mosaic guppy, white mosaic guppy, blue mosaic guppy, etc. It is mainly named because of the colorful tail shape of this type of guppy. One characteristic of this type of guppy is that there is a blue color patch where its tail fin and the fish body are connected, which can also be distinguished from the grass-tailed peacock. And the caudal fin pattern is obviously basically consistent with the dorsal fin pattern.

The characteristics of guppy species are obvious and teach you how to identify them

(2) Grass-tailed Guppy represents The fishes include yellow grass-tailed guppies, red grass-tailed guppies, and blue grass-tailed guppies. According to the color of its tail fin, it is divided into two types: the first type has a random background color, and the second type has a more transparent tail fin. There are many freckles like spray spots on it. The important characteristic is the many black spots scattered on the tail fin of the treat. The markings on the caudal and dorsal fins are common. The hospitality color blocks are also scattered freely.

The obvious characteristics of guppy species teach you how to identify them

(3) To overcome guppies The important ones are yellow tail to overcome guppies, red tail to overcome guppies, blue The characteristic of the tail is that the tail fin has only one color, and is either black or dark blue, giving the impression of being worn late. Elegant and generous.

The characteristics of guppy species are obvious and teach you how to identify them

(4 ) Snake King Guppy Just look at the name and you will understand that the patterns are like snake skin. The patterns are more delicate than the mosaic guppy. All the fish are very eye-catching, mainly blue and green, and have texture.

The characteristics of guppy species are obvious and teach you how to identify them

(5 ) Metal Guppies were improved by Russian aquarists. The front half of it is metallic blue in color. If it turns black, there may be a problem with the water quality or the fish itself. It needs to be taken seriously.

The characteristics of guppy species are obvious and teach you how to identify them

(6) Leopard Guppy Previously it belonged to the Grass-tailed Guppy. However, what is different from it is that the tail fin of the leopard guppy is yellow. The border between the fish body and the tail fin is similar to three running water patterns.

The characteristics of guppy species are obvious and teach you how to identify them

(7) Swordtail Guppy The tail fin sticks out straight like a sword. There are different styles such as left and right sword tails and double sword tails.

The obvious characteristics of guppy species teach you how to identify them

(8) Platinum Guppy It is mainly distinguished by the color of the fish’s body. There are colors such as gold, silver or platinum. And the reflective scales on the body are evenly dispersed

The characteristics of guppy species are obvious and teach you how to identify them

(9) Monochromatic guppiesare fish with very clean body color and no other variegated patterns

< img title="What are the varieties of guppies? Introduction to guppy varieties (Picture 10)" src="/uploadfile/2024/1103/20241103122411762.jpg" alt="The characteristics of guppies will clearly teach you One trick to identify" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;border:0px;outline:0px;vertical-align:baseline;width:500px;min-height:300px;">

(10) Old Guppy It is not as old as the name but a new species. The tail fin is a mosaic of hazy lines.

The characteristics of guppy species are obvious and teach you how to identify them

The above are the top ten species of guppies



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