Dogs are gregarious by nature, but they have obvious hierarchical habits in the group. In dog farms, rural or suburban dog groups, there is always one alpha dog (usually an old dog) who dominates and governs the entire group. How does a high-ranking or senior alpha dog show its hierarchical superiority? It is usually expressed by the following specific actions: for example, you allow yourself but not the other dog to check the reproductive organs of other dogs; you do not allow the other dog to urinate in the place where another dog has urinated; the other dog can shake his head or wag his tail in front of the leading dog, Play naughty, or retreat, sit or lie down. Only when the leading dog leaves can you stand. After the level advantage is clear, the hostility is eliminated and we start to become friends. Dogs display the same gesture toward their owners.

Where are the hierarchical habits of dogs? (Picture 1)



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