Why give Cutting Dog Nails
Labrador Retriever

For dog grooming, it is nothing more than intoxication, hair building, and hair plucking. And cutting nails, but it is a headache to help dogs cut their nails, because many dogs do not like to cut their nails. This is because dogs have very fragile foot pads, but the top and toes Time is full of very sensitive nerves, so we don't like to touch it. So is it okay if you don’t trim your dog’s nails? Why should you trim your dog’s nails?

Today’s pet dogs spend most of their time at home, and they can exercise outdoors only for a limited time every day. The smooth ground indoors has little effect on the natural wear and tear of dog nails. However, if the nails are not treated, the nails will grow longer and longer, and some dogs' nails will grow in a curved direction, which may eventually penetrate into the foot pads and cause inflammation. And nails that are too long can easily damage indoor objects, such as floors.

This is why it is necessary to cut the dog's nails. Whether it is for the dog's own health or for the maintenance of furniture, it is necessary to cut the dog's nails.

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