It is best for cats to eat natural food that does not contain additives, chemical synthesis products and artificial synthetic flavors. Natural food with high safety and deliciousness generally has BRC certification, IFS certification, and import license, and pay attention to Considering the factors, it is recommended to use natural food with high animal protein and low plant ingredients.

It is best for cats to eat natural food

What do cats eat? Good cat food

It is best for cats to eat cat food that suits their age. Secondly, good cat food is mainly high in protein and low in fat. , high nutritional value, natural food that does not add any chemical synthesis products, additives, or artificial spices.

What cat food is good for cats

Highly safe imported natural grains generally have BRC certification, IFS certification, and import licenses, which can also be found on relevant websites. When choosing cat food, try not to use cat food with high plant ingredients.

What cat food is good for cats

Generally, cat food with high animal protein quality is generally better cat food, and this type of cat food is more delicious. Before purchasing, you can buy a small sample pack. If your cat feels good about it, you can buy it.



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