Dogs have no ability What are the human medicines that can be used for dogs?

Although most of the pathologies of humans and dogs are the same, the fact is The body structures of humans and dogs are not the same, so the medicines used by many people are not only ineffective for them, but are even poisonous to them. Therefore, we must be careful when using medicines for dogs, and we cannot treat them equally. . Therefore, we should have a certain understanding of the human medicines that dogs cannot use, so as not to be counterproductive.

The psychological structure of humans and animals is very different, especially the brain structure, brain organization function, and the number and variety of liver and kidney enzymes. These determine that the drugs have different pharmacological and toxicological effects on humans and animals, and even completely different effects. For example, cuttlefish is highly toxic to humans, but it is very toxic to pigs. Here are a few dogs that cannot Human medicine used.

1. Caffeine-containing cold medicines such as Gankang and Likeshu or other prescriptions containing such substances. Caffeine is used to stimulate the cerebral cortex and analgesia in humans, but it can cause medulla and spinal cord stimulation in pets. Convulsions, convulsions, coma or even death may occur.

2. Traditional Chinese medicines such as Auchinine and other Chinese medicines containing strychnine and strychnine. These traditional Chinese medicines stimulate the spinal cord and cause the pet's angular reflex, which can kill the pet instantly. A Chihuahua once accidentally ate a tablet of Auchinine and died. After a few minutes, he convulsed and died. The owner was very sad.

The body structures of dogs and humans are different, which means that we cannot make the same conclusions, and we must be more careful about medication. Otherwise, the disease may not be delayed, but will happen to them. Serious damage can even take their lives.

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