What are the adoption criteria for Pointer Terriers? The Pointer belongs to the hound category and is a well-known dog breed in the United Kingdom and Germany. There are not many raised in China, and generally more are raised in foreign countries. When raising this dog breed, you need some standards to refer to and choose.


The head (head, Face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, breath, jaw, teeth)
Skull: Moderate width and length, occiput protruding. Nose: black, nostrils open, soft and moist. Tone: Slightly concave. Lips: Well developed and tender. Jaws/Teeth: Jaws are thick, with a scissors bite, and the left and right jaws overlap closely to form a square shape. Eyes: Isolated and connected, clear eyes show friendliness. Ears: Very thin, set high, close to the head, of medium length, slightly rounded at the tips. What are the adoption criteria for Pointer Spaniels?

The body of the Pointer Hound (neck, chest, ribs, waist and back, front of body, skin)
Neck : Long, muscular, slightly arched. The neck is free of excess fat and clean. Loin: Healthy muscle and slightly arched. Chest: Broad, well sprung by ribs.
What are the standards for the adoption of the Pointer Hound's hands and feet (forehead, shoulders, upper limbs, pasterns, pasterns, paws, hindquarters, thighs, hocks, joints and hock nails)?
Forequarters: Legs straight and thick, back muscles sound and clear. Shoulders: Long, sloping. Pastern: Thick, flexible, slightly skewed. Hindquarters: Very muscular. Thigh: Broad on the inside. Feet: Oval in shape, with toes well arched and close together. What are the adoption criteria for Pointer Spaniels?


Pointer Terrier's tail
Tail: medium length, thicker at the root, tapering to the tip The tail is thin, covered with thick hair, and the tail is flat and cannot be bent forward.

What are the qualifications for the Pointer?
Disadvantages: Any deviation from the above points is considered a fault, and any dog ​​with obvious abnormalities in body shape or behavior will be disqualified.

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Pointer spaniel's What are the selection standards? The above are all the selection standards for Boeing hounds. If you are interested, you may wish to use them as a reference~

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